Quality and safety for logistics

Yamamura Warehouse supports the supply of glass bottles.
Yamamura Logistics caters to the diversifying needs.
We provide various services supported by high quality, agile response, and proposal-making based on our experience of more than 50 years.
With elaborate and reliable work even in processes that are not visible to customers, we continue to make new challenges catering to the industrial streams that change over time.

Yamamura Warehouse /

Supporting the supply of glass bottles

We achieve high logistics quality that supports glass bottle manufacturers
and underlies the supply of glass bottles to all parts of Japan.

Strength 01 Integrated operation from production process to delivery

We provide agile services based on consistent operation, leveraging our diversified transportation networks comprising the inspection, packaging, storage, loading, and delivery of glass bottles to all parts of Japan.

Strength 02 Quality and stable supply

To achieve high-quality transportation specializing in glass bottles, we implement training to develop publicly or internally qualified operators, thereby contributing to the supply of glass bottles that are continuously upgraded.


Inspection, packaging, and machine maintenance for glass bottles

We support the entire production processes of glass bottles, from the handling of incoming materials, inspection and packaging, and machine maintenance.

Storage, loading, and transportation of glass bottles

We have systems for effectively delivering safe and secure glass bottles to customers in all parts of Japan.

Providing BPO services in the group

We provide general affairs and personnel services in the Yamamura Group. We also undertake the management of the buildings and facilities in the Headquarters of Nihon Yamamura Glass.

Cultivation and packaging at the plants factory

We support the entire processes from cultivation to shipping at the plants factory operated by Nihon Yamamura Glass.

Click here for the website of Yamamura Warehouse.

Yamamura Logistics /

Catering to diverse needs

To cater to customer needs, we establish an optimal logistics environment of high quality and low cost by making proposals for improvement.

Strength 01 Providing contract services that match customer requests

We provide logistics services in various fields and industries.
We propose an optimal contract service system for each customer, comprising standalone operations, combined operations, or center operations, for example.

Strength 02 Providing highly satisfactory services through logistics improvement

We provide optimal solutions to the diverse problems in the logistics industry.
We provide accurate and agile services of high cost efficiency supported by our experience and proposal making.


Comprehensive service at a multifunctional warehouse

We prepare a warehouse in accordance with customer needs to provide services that match various logistics processes.

Operation services that match diverse needs

We provide services under various conditions that match customer requests (the environment, temperature zone, etc.).

Transportation and delivery services for various industries

We provide transportation and delivery services that match diverse customer needs, regardless of industries.

Security guard, equipment maintenance and management, and cleaning services

We provide other services including security guard for customers, equipment maintenance and management, and cleaning.

Detailed human resource services

We provide matching service for staff required by customers, combined with detailed follow-up services after the start of dispatch.

Click here for the website of Yamamura Logistics.