
Company Overview

Company Name Nihon Yamamura Glass Co., Ltd.
Location of Head Office 【Kansai Headquarters】
15-1, Nishimukojima-cho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-8580

【Tokyo Headquarters】
20F, Shinjuku Green Tower Building, 6-14-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023
Representative Koji Yamamura
Established April 5, 1914
Paid-in Capital 14 billion yen
Stock listing Tokyo Stock Exchange (Standard Market)
Branches Branches: 10
Affiliated companies: 12 (7 in Japan and 5 overseas)
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Businesses Production and sale of glass bottles and plastic closures.
Production and sale of powdered glass and glass paste.
Designing, manufacturing, sale and installation work of machines and plant facilities.
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Employees 750 (as of March 2024)
Fiscal Year Ending March 31

Company Directors

Directors (excluding members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee)

Representative Director & President and Chief Executive Officer Koji Yamamura
Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Fumiyoshi Kobayashi Chief Officer of Corporate Headquarters, Research & Development Center and Plant Division
Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Yutaka Myojin President of Glass Bottle Company
Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Noboru Yamamura President of Plastics Company, Chief Officer of Group Sustainability Strategy Department
Director & Executive Officer Tomoyuki Taguchi President of New Glass Company

Directors (members of Audit and Supervisory Committee)

Director & Chairman of the Audit and Supervisory Committee Yoshihiko Mizuta
Director & External Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Yoshio Inoue President and Representative Director, Group CEO of TOMOEGAWA CORPORATION (External Director)
Director & External Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Keiko Kousaka Lawyer (External Director)
Director & External Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Toyoroku Izumi President and CEO of HakusuiTech Co., Ltd. (Exernal Director)

Executive Officer

Managing Executive Officer Masayoshi Soejima Executive Vice President of Glass Bottle Company
Executive Officer Masayoshi Sanuki General Manager of Audit and Supervisory Committee Office
Executive Officer Mitsuo Ueda Chief Officer of Environment Affairs Office
Executive Officer Yasuji Iryoda Division Director of Corporate Headquarters
Executive Officer Shuji Kimura General Manager of Research & Development Center

Organization chart

  • General Meeting of Shareholders
    • The Board of Directors
      • Corporate Headquarters
      • Glass Bottle Company
      • Plastics Company
      • New Glass Company
      • Engineering Company
      • CSR Promotion Office
      • Group Sustainability Strategy Department
      • Environmental Affairs Office
      • Research and Development Center
      • Plant Division
      • Glass Studio Yamamura
    • Audit and Supervisory Committee
      • Audit and Supervisory Committee Office
  • Advisor